3 Making Copies Using Special Functions(Special Features)Dividing an Original into Equal Sections and Enlarging Each Section on a SeparateCopy Sheet (Image Separation)3-31Dividing an Original into Equal Sections andEnlarging Each Section on a Separate Copy Sheet(Image Separation)This feature enables you to automatically divide an original into equal sections and copy each sec-tion in enlarged form on a separate copy sheet.NOTE• Originals copied using the Image Separation feature must all be the same size. The Image Separationfeature cannot be combined with the Different Size Originals feature.• When using the [1 To 4] or [Two-sided/ 1 To 4] options with 11"x17" or LGL paper, your original must beplaced horizontally.• When using the [1 To 2] or [Two-sided/ 1 To 2] options with 11"x17" or LGL paper, your original must beplaced vertically.• The enlargement ratio is automatically set to fit in the selected paper size.• The Image Separation feature cannot be combined with the Entire Image, Two-sided Copy, Two-pageSeparation, Transparency Interleaving, Frame Erase, or Image Combination features.• Two-sided copying can only be selected when the optional duplex unit is installed.The following four Image Separation features are available:[1 To 2], [1 To 4], [Two-sided/ 1 To 2], and [Two-sided/ 1 To 4] 1 To 2Divides a one-sided original into two equal sections and outputs the sections in enlarged form astwo 1-sided copies or one 2-sided copy.NOTE• LTR size originals can be placed horizontally or vertically when using this feature. Originals placed verti-cally will be divided into top and bottom divisions.211 21One-sided copyTwo-sided copyorOriginal