Sending Jobs from Boxes (Send)5-85 Using Mail BoxesSending Jobs from Boxes (Send)IMPORTANT• You can only send documents in boxes to destinations already stored in the address book. Documentscannot be sent to Group or Person addresses.• Documents in boxes can be forwarded to fax, I-fax, e-mail, file server, or database addresses. (Fax for-warding requires the optional fax board, and sending to database addresses requires the optional Saluta-tion Option Pack.)• Documents sent from personal computers as Print jobs cannot be forwarded.1 Press the [User Boxes] key or the [MemoryRX Box] key.2 Select the box containing the document youwant to send.NOTE• You must enter a password using the keypad forboxes that have been password protected. (See“Opening a Password-protected Box,” on p. 5-6.)