Making Sharp Contrast Copies (Sharpness)3-363 Making Copies Using Special Functions(Special Features)Making Sharp Contrast Copies (Sharpness)This feature enables you to make copies of original images with the contrast reproduced sharper orsofter. To make copies with text or lines reproduced with more sharpness, use the [High] key. Tomake copies with photographs or other halftones reproduced more softly, use the [Low] key. LowIf you make copies of an original containing halftones, such as a photograph printed using photomode, undesirable effects such as moiré or screen clash may occur. By using the [Low] sharp-ness option, you can soften this effect so that the copy is easier on the eyes.This feature is suited to photographic images in newspapers and magazines. HighThis feature enhances the edges of original images so that faint or fine text is reproduced moresharply. This is particularly suited to blueprints or faint pencil-drawn originals.The world’s coral reefs, wherebrilliantly colored fish and amyriad of other creatures of thetropics come together.The world’s coral reefs, wherebrilliantly colored fish and amyriad of other creatures of thetropics come together.The world’s coral reefs, wherebrilliantly colored fish and amyriad of other creatures of thetropics come together.Original CopyWith Setting Without SettingThe world’s coral reefs, wherebrilliantly colored fish and amyriad of other creatures of thetropics come together. Aptlynicknamed "Tropical torests underthe sea". these spots ofbreathtaking beuty serve as hometo countless varieties of life. Andto us of the land, the warmtropical seas and all the romantic,dream-like, alluring world.The world’s coral reefs, wherebrilliantly colored fish and amyriad of other creatures of thetropics come together. Aptlynicknamed "Tropical torests underthe sea". these spots ofbreathtaking beuty serve as hometo countless varieties of life. Andto us of the land, the warmtropical seas and all the romantic,dream-like, alluring world.The world’s coral reefs, wherebrilliantly colored fish and amyriad of other creatures of thetropics come together. Aptlynicknamed "Tropical torests underthe sea". these spots ofbreathtaking beuty serve as hometo countless varieties of life. Andto us of the land, the warmtropical seas and all the romantic,dream-like, alluring world.Original CopyWith Setting Without Setting