Sample Reports 9-139 AppendixSample ReportsSend Job ListYou can view a listing of Send jobs and their status.The Send Job List can be printed from the System Monitor screen.(See “Checking and Changing the Status of Send Jobs,” on p. 7-21.)Please note that the addresses in the above report are fictitious.1 Set Time Prints date and time each send job was accepted (24-hourformat).2 Start Time Prints the time the send job was started (For delayed sendjobs only; 24-hour format).3 Destination Address Prints the address of the recipient.*For faxes, if the address exceeds 21 characters the last 21characters are shown. For other documents, if the addressexceeds the display capacity, the first characters areshown.4 Destination ID Prints the abbreviated name of the recipient.*If the abbreviation exceeds the display capacity, the firstcharacters are shown.5 Job Number Prints the job number as a 4-digit decimal number, or F (faxcontroller number) plus 4-digit decimal number.6 Communication Mode Prints the communication type and method.Communication type: TXIf a forwarder's job number exists, it is printed on a secondline.Communication method: MAIL/I-FAX/FAX/DATABASE/FILE/PRINTER/BOX7 Pages Prints the number of pages in the job.2000 02/10 THU 17:33 iR3250************************ SEND JOB LIST ************************SET TIME ST. TIME DESTINATION ADDRESS DESTINATION ID JOB NO MODE PGS.02/10 17:3302/10 17:4002/10 17:4302/10 17:5002/10 17:5502/10 18:0002/10 18:1002/10\\uk33096\smb00070008000900100011001200130014TXTXTXTXTXTXTXTXPRINTERI-FAXI-FAXMAILBOXDATA BASEFILEFILE1.001\\uk33096\smbiR3250Canon U.K. I-FAXCanon INC. I-FAXCanon U.S.A. E-MAILCanon UK BoxDataBase 1File 1File 1