Error Code Title Detection description RemedyE004-0000 Fixing Drive As-sembly circuit errorError in either the Fixing Heat-er or the Fixing Motor1. Check the drawer connector between the Fixing Assembly andthe Power Supply PCB. 2. Check the connection of the Fixing Motor.3. Replace the Fixing Assembly. 4. Replace the Fixing Motor. 5. Re-place the Power Supply PCB.E004-0004 Mismatch of FixingAssembly typeA fixing assembly of anotherproduct was installed.Replace the fixing assembly with that of this product.E012-0000 Pickup Motor error Pickup Motor error (startup er-ror)1. Check the connector between the Pickup Motor and the DC Con-troller PCB. 2. Replace the Pickup Motor. 3. Replace the DC Con-troller PCB. 4. Replace the Pickup Drive Unit.E012-0001 Pickup Motor error Pickup Motor error (rotationerror)1. Check the connector between the Pickup Motor and the DC Con-troller PCB. 2. Replace the Pickup Motor. 3. Replace the DC Con-troller PCB. 4. Replace the Pickup Drive Unit.E012-0008 Main Motor error Main Motor error (startup er-ror)1. Check the connector between the Main Motor and the DC Con-troller PCB. 2. Replace the Main Motor. 3. Replace the DC ControllerPCB. 4. Replace the Main Drive Unit.E012-0009 Main Motor error Main Motor error (rotation er-ror)1. Check the connector between the Main Motor and the DC Con-troller PCB. 2. Replace the Main Motor. 3. Replace the DC ControllerPCB. 4. Replace the Main Drive Unit.E014-0000 Fixing Motor error Error in startup of the FixingMotor1. Check the connection of the Fixing Motor. 2. Replace the FixingMotor. 3. Replace the DC Controller PCB.E014-0001 Fixing Motor error Error in rotation of the FixingMotor1. Check the connection of the Fixing Motor. 2. Replace the FixingMotor. 3. Replace the DC Controller PCB.E015-0001 Cassette 1 lift-uperrorCassette 1 Lifter Motor error 1. Check the Cassette 1 Lifter Motor (dropout, gear tooth jump, etc.).2. Check the connector between the Cassette 1 Lifter Motor and theDC Controller PCB. 3. Replace the Cassette 1 Lifter Motor. 4. Re-place the DC Controller PCB.E015-0002 Cassette 2 lift-uperrorCassette 2 Lifter Motor error 1. Check the Cassette 2 Lifter Motor (dropout, gear tooth jump, etc.).2. Check the connector between the Cassette 2 Lifter Motor and theCassette 2 Driver PCB. 3. Replace the Cassette 2 Lifter Motor. 4.Replace the Cassette 2 Driver PCB.E015-0003 Cassette 3 lift-uperrorCassette 3 Lifter Motor error 1. Check the Cassette 3 Lifter Motor (dropout, gear tooth jump, etc.).2. Check the connector between the Cassette 3 Lifter Motor and theCassette 3 Driver PCB. 3. Replace the Cassette 3 Lifter Motor. 4.Replace the Cassette 3 Driver PCB.E015-0004 Cassette 4 lift-uperrorCassette 4 Lifter Motor error 1. Check the Cassette 4 Lifter Motor (dropout, gear tooth jump, etc.).2. Check the connector between the Cassette 4 Lifter Motor and theCassette 4 Driver PCB. 3. Replace the Cassette 4 Lifter Motor. 4.Replace the Cassette 4 Driver PCB.E015-0005 Cassette 5 lift-uperrorCassette 5 Lifter Motor error 1. Check the Cassette 5 Lifter Motor (dropout, gear tooth jump, etc.).2. Check the connector between the Cassette 5 Lifter Motor and theCassette 5 Driver PCB. 3. Replace the Cassette 5 Lifter Motor. 4.Replace the Cassette 5 Driver PCB.E066-0000 Environment Sen-sor errorFailure of the EnvironmentSensor was detected.1. Check the connection of the Environment Sensor. 2. Replace theEnvironment Sensor. 3. Replace the DC Controller PCB.E100-0000 Laser Scanner er-rorFailure of the Laser ScannerUnit1. Check the connector of the Laser Scanner Unit. 2. Replace theLaser Scanner Unit. 3. Replace the DC Controller PCB.E100-0001 Laser Scanner er-rorFailure of the Laser Assemblyin the Laser Scanner Unit1. Check the connector of the Laser Scanner Unit. 2. Replace theLaser Scanner Unit. 3. Replace the DC Controller PCB.E110-0000 Scanner Motor er-rorError in the initial operation ofthe Scanner Motor1. Check the connector of the Laser Scanner Unit. 2. Replace theLaser Scanner Unit. 3. Replace the DC Controller PCB.E196-0001 Firmware error Engine firmware error 1. Turn OFF and then ON the power. 2. Update firmware. 3. Replacethe DC Controller PCB.E196-0002 DC Controller inter-nal errorThe memory area in the DCController cannot be ac-cessed.1. Turn OFF and then ON the power. 2. Update firmware. 3. Replacethe DC Controller PCB.E196-0003 Detection of non-compatible DCControllerDC Controller firmware of an-other model was detected.1. Replace the DC Controller with that of this model. 2. Update firm-ware.E245-1011 Host machineFRAM write errorHost machine FRAM write er-ror was detected.1. Replace the Main Controller PCB.8. Error/Jam/Alarm156