Error Code Description Remedy Cause of errorCDS server UP DATER Network8xxx 530A A privilege error during creationof a fileCheck the network environment of the de-vice and start the operation again.TamuraTamuraTamura530B A privilege error during outputof a fileTamuraTamuraTamura530C The data of an HTTP responsefrom an invalid input streamwas read.TamuraTamuraTamura530D An error in reading the data ofan HTTP responseTamuraTamuraTamura530E An error in reading the data ofan HTTP responseTamuraTamuraTamura530F An error in reading the data ofan HTTP responseTamuraTamuraTamura5310 An error in reading the data ofan HTTP responseTamuraTamuraTamura5311 The hash code length of the fileto download is invalid.TamuraTamuraTamura5312 The hash code of the file todownload is invalid.TamuraTamuraTamuraSocket communication6101 Failed to connect the eRDS Contact the support department of thesales company.(Attach the Sublog and update log of thedevice.)-TamuraTamura6102 No response from eRDS -TamuraTamura6103 No notice of start from theeRDS-TamuraTamura6104 Error of socket reading -TamuraTamura6105 Socket communication time-out-TamuraTamuraOther internal codes71xx An error by using invalid API Contact the support department of thesales company.(Attach the Sublog and update log of thedevice.)-Tamura -72xx An internal error in SMS -Tamura -7301 No existence of delivery ID -Tamura -7302 Invalid delivery ID -Tamura -7303 The updated firmware informa-tion is not identical with the firm-ware information after activa-tion of the Updater-Tamura -7304 The process of firmware down-lo d is incompleteIt occurs when the power of thedevice is turned OFF duringdownload.-Tamura -7305 The update process is incom-pleteThe power was turned OFF af-ter completion of download andbefore start of update process-ing.-Tamura -7401 Failed to retrieve delivery infor-mation-Tamura -7501 Failed to execute the deliveryprocess-Tamura -7502 The scheduled distribution hadnot been executed even after acertain period of time due to thepower of the device being OFFat the scheduled time or otherreasons.Scheduled deliveries not executed withinthe defined period of time are abandoned,so register a scheduled delivery again.When setting the date and time of thescheduled delivery, be sure to designate atime when the device is ON-Tamura -7503 The download results could notbe obtained.Contact the support department of thesales company.-Tamura -3. Technical Explanation (System)69