No. Messages Timing of dis-playCause Remedy9 Delivery Server :Connect FailedFile Server : Re-trieve FailedError Code: [xxxx]Communicationtest, etc. (commu-nication test resultdialogue)In the communication test,failed to connect to the de-livery server.In SOAP communication,failed to success after 1 minretry.Check the network environment of the device, and re-exe-cute the job.If it recurs, obtain the log etc. (Refer to "System Manage-ment Operations" under “Version Upgrade”of "Updater" in“Troubleshooting” of this manual.) and contact Support Div.of the sales company.ID and Password requiredfor proxy to connect to theinternet are not configuredin device.Set proxy and restart the communication test.If it recurs, obtain the log etc. (Refer to "System Manage-ment Operations" under “Version Upgrade”of "Updater" in“Troubleshooting” of this manual.) and contact Support Div.of the sales company.The access to the networkis limited.Set the user environment to make the access to the follow-ing domain available. it recurs, obtain the log etc. (Refer to "System Manage-ment Operations" under “Version Upgrade”of "Updater" in“Troubleshooting” of this manual.) and contact Support Div.of the sales company.Delivery server stopped. Contact Field Support Group in the sale company.After confirmation that the delivery server has been re-stored, restart the communication test.If it recurs, obtain the log etc. (Refer to "System Manage-ment Operations" under “Version Upgrade”of "Updater" in“Troubleshooting” of this manual.) and contact Support Div.of the sales company again.10 Delivery Server :Connect OKFile Server : Re-trieve FailedError Code: [xxxx]Delivery Server :Connect OKFile Server : Re-trieve FailedError Code:[XXXX]Due to no return of data forthe communication test,time-out (in HTTP commu-nication, no response for1min) occurred. After that,retried but failed to connectto server.Check the network environment of the device and re-exe-cute the job.If it recurs, obtain the log etc. (Refer to "System Manage-ment Operations" under “Version Upgrade”of "Updater" in“Troubleshooting” of this manual.) and contact Support Div.of the sales company.The network cable was dis-connected during datadownload in the communi-cation test.Reconnect the network cable and then restart the commu-nication test.If it recurs, obtain the log etc. (Refer to "System Manage-ment Operations" under “Version Upgrade”of "Updater" in“Troubleshooting” of this manual.) and contact Support Div.of the sales company.The file server stopped dur-ing data download in thecommunication test.Contact the sales company's Support Department.After confirmation that the delivery server has been re-stored, restart the communication test.If it recurs, obtain the log etc. (Refer to "System Manage-ment Operations" under “Version Upgrade”of "Updater" in“Troubleshooting” of this manual.) and contact Support Div.of the sales company again.Hash value in the commu-nication test file is incorrect.Check the network environment and re-execute the job.If it recurs, obtain the log etc. (Refer to "System Manage-ment Operations" under “Version Upgrade”of "Updater" in“Troubleshooting” of this manual.) and contact Support Div.of the sales company.11 An error occurred.Error Code: [xxx]communicationtest, etc. (mainscreen)The max value (space/file)was exceeded and new logwas not accepted.Normally an old log file isdeleted before the max val-ue (space/file) is exceeded,but error may occur due toother element (e.g. I/O er-ror).Check if the log file exceeded the max value.Max space: 128KB/fileMax file number: 4Max space: 512KB/fileMax file number: 4If it recurs, obtain the log etc. (Refer to "System Manage-ment Operations" under “Version Upgrade”of "Updater" in“Troubleshooting” of this manual.) and contact Support Div.of the sales company.3. Technical Explanation (System)56