Error Code Description Remedy Cause of errorCDS server UP DATER81060002 • The number of digits or type of characters used forFirm Type, Firmware Version, Firmware Group Ver-sion, or Firmware Label does not meet the specifiednumber of digits or type of characters.• The character string of Firmware Group Version(firmGroupVersion) includes characters other thannumeric values.• The number of digits of E-mail Address (mailAd-dress) is larger than 128.• Characters other than single-byte alphanumericcharacters and symbols are used for E-mail Address(mailAddress).• An invalid e-mail address was input (The domainname is missing, . (dot) was input instead of , (com-ma), etc.)Register the correct e-mail ad-dress.If it occurs again, contact thesupport department of the salescompany.(Attach information on the timeof occurrence and the serialnumber of the device.)(Canon Inc. Only) In the case ofan error in Firm Type, FirmwareVersion, or Firmware GroupVersion, register the correctfirmware again.TamuraTamura81xx0003 In an data entry item, the value is set against the regula-tions(E.g. the set value is other than "Operator: 4. Serviceperson, 5. User")Contact the support departmentof the sales company.(Attach information on the timeof occurrence and the serialnumber of the device.)TamuraTamura81xx0004 No applicable delivery information existsTamura -81xx0005 Error in the system settingsTamura -Operation81xx1001 In the case of [81xx0001] except follows. Inconsistencybetween the current firmware component in the data en-try item and delivery information (E.g. the conditions forautomatic update are not met. The settings of a manda-tory additional set are invalid)If distribution of the firmware isnecessary, search the applica-ble firmware again, and performdistribution of the firmware.TamuraTamura81071001 A cancellation notification was sent to CDS when the dis-tribution status was not correct. (CDS has not receivedthe status change due to a network failure, etc.)TamuraTamura81091001 • The firmware information of the device at the time ofexecution of distribution differs from the firmware in-formation of the device at the time of registration ofthe distribution schedule.• The firmware was upgraded without using CDSwhen distribution schedule for the device that sup-ports the UGW-linked function had been registered.As a result, the firmware information of the CDSserver at the time of execution of distribution differsfrom the firmware information of the CDS server atthe time of registration of the distribution schedule.When the remote update setting for the firmware tobe updated was disabled after distribution schedulewas registered using auto update.TamuraTamura81xx1002 In a notice of delivery-allowed information, an install-setwas release to the market, but the market release wasstopped during the deliveryContact the support departmentof the sales company.(Attach information on the timeof occurrence and the serialnumber of the device.)Tamura-81xx1003 No mail template file existsTamura -81xx1004 The device serial number in the data entry item differsfrom that in delivery informationTamura-81xx1005 User is selected as Operator in the data entry items andthe retrieval type is other than the latestTamura-81xx1006 The retrieval type in the data entry item is special andregistration ID and individual Password are not set (* Op-erator did not enter registration ID and individual Pass-word)Tamura-81xx1007 The retrieval type in the data entry item is special andOperator is not Service personTamura-3. Technical Explanation (System)62