Error Code Description Remedy Cause of errorCDS server UP DATER Network8xxx 4302 date>In response to a download startnotification sent from the de-vice, the distribution server re-turned an error and stopped theoperation of the device within acertain period of time before thedistribution server mainte-nance time.cuted by specifying the dateand time>The firmware version of the de-vice at the time when the distri-bution settings were specifiedand the version at the time im-mediately before update aredifferent.Specify the distribution settings again,making sure that the distribution servermaintenance time and the scheduled up-date time do not overlap.specifying the date and time>Specify the distribution settings again,making sure that the firmware version ofdevice at the time when the distribution set-tings are specified and the version at thetime immediately before update are thesame.TamuraTamura-HTTP communication5101 Specified Hash Algorithm is un-knownContact the support department of thesales company.(Attach the Sublog and update log of thedevice.)-Tamura -5102 Download file URL is invalid Check the URL setting of CDS server, resetthe setting, and then start the operationagain.-Tamura -5103 No network cable connection(device side)Check the network environment of the de-vice, and start the operation again.-Tamura -5201 Invalid HTTP request Contact the support department of thesales company.(Attach the Sublog and update log of thedevice.)TamuraTamuraTamura5202 Failed to connect to the server Check the network environment of the de-vice (such as the examples shown below)and start the operation again.• Check if the network cable is discon-nected.• Check if connection with the proxyserver has failed.• Check if there is any problem with theDNS server.TamuraTamuraTamura5203 Failed to find the server Check the network environment of the de-vice (the proxy settings, etc.), and start theoperation again.TamuraTamuraTamura5204 An input/output error occurredduring the connecting processto the serverCheck that no problem is found in the twoitems displayed during the communicationtest. If any problem was found, check thenetwork environment.TamuraTamuraTamura5205 Failed to read a HTTP re-sponse.An error or time-out has occur-red because the line speed islow.Check that no problem is found in the twoitems displayed during the communicationtest. If any problem was found, check thenetwork environment.If it occurs again, contact the support de-partment of the sales company.(Together with information regarding thenetwork environment of the user and thesystem log/sublog of the device)TamuraTamuraTamura3. Technical Explanation (System)67