Error Code Description Remedy Cause of errorCDS server UP DATER Network8xxx 5206 An HTTP status code otherthan 206 or 200 was returnedfrom HTTP.Check the network environment of the de-vice (such as the examples shown below).• Check if the user authentication of theproxy is wrong.• Check if an invalid response or time-out has been returned from the gate-way, proxy server, or DNS server.If it occurs again, contact the support de-partment of the sales company.(Together with the system log/sublog of thedevice, the distribution log of the Updater,the SOAP message notifying of the error,and the log of the proxy server)TamuraTamuraTamura5207 Generation of secure socketfailed.Contact the support department of thesales company.(Attach the Sublog and update log of thedevice.)TamuraTamuraTamura5208 Certificate check errorTamuraTamuraTamura5209 Connection time-out -TamuraTamura520A The port number is invalid. Check the network environment of the de-vice and start the operation again.If it occurs again, contact the support de-partment of the sales company.(Together with information regarding thenetwork environment of the user and thesystem log/sublog of the device)-TamuraTamura520B The port number is invalid(when using a proxy server).-TamuraTamura520C The remote host cannot be ac-cessed.-TamuraTamura520D The remote host cannot be ac-cessed (when using a proxyserver).-TamuraTamura520E The host name cannot be re-solved.-TamuraTamura520F The host name cannot be re-solved (when using a proxyserver).-TamuraTamura5301 Failed to retrieve the datastreamContact the support department of thesales company.(Attach the Sublog and update log of thedevice.)-TamuraTamura5302 Failed to create the file objectfor receipt-TamuraTamura5303 Failed to create the data streamof the file for receipt-TamuraTamura5304 Failed to receive the data Check the network environment of the de-vice, and start the operation again.TamuraTamuraTamura5305 An error about reserving the filedata for receiptCheck that no problem is found in the HDD.When this error occurs again, contact Sup-port Group of sales companies.-Tamura -5306 Failed to close the data stream Contact the support department of thesales company.(Attach the Sublog and update log of thedevice.)-Tamura -5307 Failed to close the file data forreceipt-Tamura -5308 Invalid hash code of the down-load fileCheck the network environment of the de-vice, and start the operation again.TamuraTamuraTamura5309 The proxy authentication meth-od is not supported, or accessto the CDS file server is not per-mitted.Check the proxy authentication method be-ing used, change the setting to use a sup-ported proxy authentication, and then startthe operation again.Check that access to the following URL ispermitted.• (protocol: https)• (protocol:http)** The following URL in the product ofafter iR-ADV C2200 (protocol: https)But, it excludes iR-ADVC5200/9200/7200 series.-TamuraTamura3. Technical Explanation (System)68