Item DescriptionDEBUGLOG-MODE • Mode 1The file name of the debug log is fixed. When the number of debug logs exceeds the maximum numberof logs that can be saved at saving of debug logs, the latest debug log file is deleted to save the newfile.• Mode 2 (* default)The file name of the debug log is one with a device serial number and time stamp. When the numberof debug logs exceeds the maximum number of logs that can be saved at saving of debug logs, theoldest debug log file is deleted to save the new file.PANEL.GR* : Default ValueItem DescriptionPANEL LOCK To perform access restriction for each key on the Control Panel.• ON: Enable the panel lock function.• OFF: Disable the panel lock function. (* default)F/W UPDATE GR* : Default ValueItem DescriptionUSB Not usedNETWORK Not usedUSB STRAGE Not usedCDS Firmware auto/manual update function by MEAP application (updater).• ON: Update automatically/manually.• OFF: Do not update automatically/manually.Update procedure is as follows.1. Start MEAP (Updater).2. The Updater downloads the firmware via network.3. The Updater calls the program, and interrupts job input or user operation.4. The Updater decompress the firmware.5. The Updater calls the program and instructs to reboot.6. The machine reboots, and the new firmware starts operation.Before executing this menu, service technicians should perform up to step 2.NETWORK GR.* : Default ValueItem DescriptionDNSTRANS To determine priority order of the protocol (IPv4/IPv6) to be used for DNS query.• IPV4• IPV 6*FTP SYSLOG To set the function to obtain various system log files.• ON: Obtain the function. (*default)• OFF: Do not obtain the function.JOB SERIALIZE To set connection serialize function.• ON: Use the function.• OFF: Do not use. the function. (*default)BUFFER LIMIT To clear the buffer acquisition limit of PSS.• ON: Clear the buffer acquisition limit.• OFF: Limit the buffer acquisition. (*default)E-RDS9. Service Mode173