6-24 Scanning With the MultiPASS C5500 Chapter 6For instance:A value reading of 25, 38, 20 may look like dark gray on the screen, butmay yield a muddy green when printed.By paying attention to these values, you can more accurately predict thefinal result of your scan.Using ScanTastic as a Plug-InYou can use ScanTastic as an Adobe PhotoDeluxe or Photoshop, CorelPhotoPaint, or TextBridge Pro plug-in, or as a plug-in with anyapplication that supports the Photoshop plug-in standard.To install and use ScanTastic as a plug-in:1. Insert the Canon Creative for Your Mac CD and double-click theMultiPASS C635 icon. Then double-click on the Plug-In Setupbutton. The ScanTastic application file will be copied into theappropriate Plug-Ins folder in your application’s folder. (If the imageediting software is running, make sure you quit and restart theapplication so that it recognizes ScanTastic as a plug-in.)2. Launch the image editing application.❍ If you are using PhotoDeluxe, and the application prompts youto choose an input source, choose the ScanTastic option.❍ If you are using TextBridge Pro, click on Select Source andchoose ScanTastic.3. See the user documentation for the application for instructions onhow to scan using a plug-in.4. If you use an application other than Photoshop or PhotoDeluxe thatsupports the Photoshop plug-in standard, and you are prompted tolocate your scanning plug-in, simply navigate to the ScanTasticfolder, located in the MultiPASS Desktop Manager folder, and selectthe ScanTastic application file.