8-8 Troubleshooting Chapter 8Step 5. Reset Hardware and Check Printer ConnectionsCables do come loose or the circuitry can get confused. Often the bestthing to do is to shut everything down and restart.1. Shutdown your Mac.2. Turn off the MultiPASS.3. Unplug the USB-to-Parallel cable from the USB port on the Mac.4. Wait 5 seconds, then reconnect the cable back into the USB port.5. Turn on your Mac.6. Turn on the MultiPASS.Step 6. Ensure the MultiPASS Software is CorrectlyInstalledIf the MultiPASS printer driver is correctly installed, you will find thefollowing files:❍ At the root level of your hard drive: MultiPASS Desktop Managerfolder.❍ In the Extensions folder: the MultiPASS driver you installed,SpoolMaster, and SpoolLauncher.❍ In the Preferences folder: PowerPrint Prefs files folder.❍ If you have been using SpoolMaster, you will find: SpoolMasterfolder.Memory ConsiderationsApplication Memory AllocationIf you are experiencing difficulties printing from an application (clippedoutput, all items are not being printed) or you are receiving “not enoughmemory” error messages, you can try increasing the memory allocationto the application you are printing from.1. Locate and quit the application program to which you wish toallocate more memory.