Making a Copy With the Express Copy Basic Features Screen7-247Using the Express Copy Basic Features ScreenMaking One-Sided Copies from Two-Sided Originals(2 to 1-Sided)For instructions on this procedure using the Regular Copy Basic Features screen, see "2 to1-Sided," on p. 3-59.IMPORTANT• The 2 1-Sided mode cannot be used with Saddle Stitch, Two-page Separation, Image Combination,Booklet, Transparency Interleaving, or Scan Image Check modes.• Place the originals horizontally when copying A4R and A5R-size originals. If these originals are placedvertically, the back sides of the copies will be printed upside down.1 Press [2 1-Sided].2 Press [Option] select the orientation of the originals.2 1-Sided