Various Mail Box Functions 2-52Introduction to the Mail Box FunctionsConfidential Fax InboxConfidential Fax InboxIf a document received through I-Fax matches the specifiedforwarding conditions, it is stored in a Confidential Fax Inbox.The stored documents can be printed at anytime using thedesired settings.User InboxDocument Selection ScreenThe screen on the left, which appears after you select thedesired inbox, is called the Document Selection screen.If a password is set, the Document Selection screen appearsafter you enter the password.The screen that appears varies, depending on the type of inboxselected.Each document is displayed with an icon next to if whichindicates its type.Memory RX InboxConfidential Fax InboxDocument scanned and saved from the Scan screen.Document saved from the Send screen when theUniversal Send Kit is activated.Document sent from a computer. Document changed theprint settings in the Change Print Setting screen.Forwarded I-fax document or I-fax document saved inmemory. See p. 2-23Press to select all of the documents in an inbox. If a document is selected, this key changes to [ClearSelection].