Making a Copy with Two-Page Separation and Different Size Originals Settings (Scan Originals)7-547Using the Express Copy Basic Features ScreenCopying Separately-Set Originals (Job Build)For instructions on this procedure using the Regular Copy Basic Features screen, see "JobBuild," on p. 4-64.IMPORTANT• You cannot change the copy settings while the machine is scanning originals in the Job Build mode. Youneed to set the necessary copy settings beforehand, according to the type of originals and the desiredresult.• If you place the originals in the feeder, remove each original from the original output area whenscanning is complete.• When copying, you can change or specify the following settings before scanning the next batch oforiginals (i.e., between batches): the number of copies, Two-sided Original mode, original type, andcopy exposure. However, if you specify the Image Combination mode with the Job Build mode, youcannot change the copy exposure and original type.1 Press [Scan Originals].