Selecting an Output Device (Select Output Device)1-241Introduction to the Copy FunctionsIf you press [Details], the detailed information for the selected printing destination is displayed.The display returns to the Regular Copy Basic Features screen.IMPORTANTError Recovery activates only if the Finisher mode is set.NOTE• You must choose a remote copy printer that supports the selected copy settings. The printersthat do not support the chosen settings are shown, but are grayed out. And, even if the remotecopy printer supports the Copy mode, if you select settings other than Collate and Group, youcan select only a remote copy printer equipped with the same finisher as the original copymachine.• If Error Recovery for Cascade Copy is set to 'On', the remaining copy job is not processed in thefollowing cases:- The machine is scanning originals for the Cascade Copy mode.- The Cascade Copy mode is used in combination with the Cover/Sheet Insertion mode.- The Cascade Copy mode is used in combination with the Different Size Originals, Auto PaperSelection, and Two-Sided modes.- The normally-operating printer has completed the cascade copy job.- An error occurs in the normally-operating printer.- The cascade copy job has almost finished.- The number of copies is less than six.- The Cascade Copy mode is used in combination with the Page Numbering/Copy SetNumbering mode.• If Error Recovery for Cascade Copy is set to 'On', a machine in which an error occurs cannotresume the remaining copy job even after the error has been resolved, if the copy job has alreadybeen reassigned.• It is impossible to choose two different machines other than your own for cascade copying.You must include your own machine as one of the output devices.