Model 190 Installation, Technical and Operation8400-M022-O1 Rev J Page 454.6.5 Multi-Point CalibrationThis method requires up to four weights, an empty scale and has up tofour conversion factors. This method uses up to five calibration points(CAL1=, CAL2=, CAL3=, CAL4=, and CAL5=). The five pointscorrespond to zero weight, up to three midpoint weights, and the testload or test weight and can be applied in any order. This method can beused to correct for system nonlinearity.CAL1= – First Calibration Weight1. The display will show CAL1=. This is the first of five calibrationweights. This weight could be ZERO (NO LOAD) or the TESTWEIGHTS (TEST LOAD).2. Press the TARE key to view the current setting.3. If the first calibration weight is to be ZERO (NO LOAD), press theTARE key.4. If the first calibration weight is to be the TEST WEIGHTS (TESTLOAD), use the UNITS/ and Fn/ keys to input the value of thetest weights.5. Place the weights on the scale platform, then press the TARE key.6. Starting at the left and proceeding right, a series of dashes willappear on the display.7. Next, starting at the left and proceeding right, the dashes willdisappear, after which the display will show: CAL2=.CAL2= – Second Calibration Weight1. The display will show CAL2=. This is the second of two calibrationweights. This weight could be ZERO (NO LOAD) or the TESTWEIGHTS (TEST LOAD).2. Press the TARE key to view the current setting.3. If the second calibration weight is to be ZERO (NO LOAD), pressthe TARE key.4. If the first calibration weight is to be the TEST WEIGHTS (TESTLOAD), use the UNITS/ and Fn/ keys to input the value of thetest weights.5. Place the weights on the scale platform, then press the TARE key.6. Starting at the left and proceeding right, a series of dashes willappear on the display.7. Next, starting at the left and proceeding right, the dashes willdisappear, after which the display will show: CAL3=.