Error Code Message InformationHWC2003 Message The storage <name> cable is not connected, or is improperlyconnected.Details The cable may be necessary for proper operation. Systemfunctionality may be degraded.Action Check if the cable is present, then reinstall or reconnect.HWC2005 Message The system board <name> cable is not connected, or isimproperly connected.Details The cable may be necessary for proper operation. Systemfunctionality may be degraded.Action Check if the cable is present, then reinstall or reconnect.MEM0000 Message Persistent correctable memory errors detected on a memorydevice at location(s) <location>.Details This is an early indicator of a possible future uncorrectableerror.Action Re-seat the memory modules. If the issue persists, seeGetting Help .MEM0001 Message Multi-bit memory errors detected on a memory device atlocation(s) <location>.Details The memory module has encountered an uncorrectableerror. System performance may be degraded. The operatingsystem and/or applications may fail as a result.Action Re-seat the memory modules. If the issue persists, seeGetting Help.MEM0007 Message Unsupported memory configuration; check memory deviceat location <location>.Details The memory may not be seated correctly, misconfigured, orhas failed. Memory size is reduced.Action Check the memory configuration. Re-seat the memorymodules. If the issue persists, see Getting Help.MEM0701 Message Correctable memory error rate exceeded for <location>.Details The memory may not be operational. This an early indicatorof a possible future uncorrectable error.90