Error Code Message InformationAction Re-seat the memory modules. If the issue persists, seeGetting Help.MEM0702 Message Correctable memory error rate exceeded for <location>.Details The memory may not be operational. This an early indicatorof a possible future uncorrectable error.Action Re-seat the memory modules. If the issue persists, seeGetting Help.MEM1205 Message Memory mirror redundancy is lost. Check memory device atlocation(s) <location>.Details The memory may not be seated correctly, misconfigured, orhas failed.Action Check the memory configuration. Re-seat the memorymodules. If the issue persists, see Getting Help.MEM1208 Message Memory spare redundancy is lost. Check memory device atlocation <location>.Details Memory sparing is no longer available.Action Re-seat the memory modules. If the issue persists, seeGetting Help.MEM8000 Message Correctable memory error logging disabled for a memorydevice at location <location>.Details Errors are being corrected but no longer logged.Action Review system logs for memory exceptions. Reinstallmemory at location <location>.PCI1302 Message A bus time-out was detected on a component at bus <bus>device<device> function <func>.Details System performance may be degraded. The device has failedto respond to a transaction.Action Cycle input power, update component drivers, if device isremovable, reinstall the device.PCI1304 Message An I/O channel check error was detected.91