Data Center Bridging (DCB) | 333Verifying DCB ConfigurationUse the show commands in Table 13-2 to display DCB configurations.Figure 13-5. show dot1p-queue mapping Command ExampleFigure 13-6. show dcb Command ExampleTable 13-2. Displaying DCB ConfigurationsCommand Outputshow dot1p-queue mapping Displays the current 802.1p priority-queue dcb [stack-unit unit-number] Displays data center bridging status, number of PFC-enabled ports, andnumber of PFC-enabled queues. On the master switch in a stack, you canspecify a stack-unit number. Range is : 0 to qos dcb-input [pfc-profile] Displays the PFC configuration in a DCB input qos dcb-output [ets-profile] Displays the ETS configuration in a DCB output qos priority-groups Displays the ETS priority groups configured on the switch, including the802.1p priority classes and ID of each interface port-type slot/port pfc{summary | detail}Displays the PFC configuration applied to ingress traffic on an interface,including priorities and link delay.To clear PFC TLV counters, use the clear pfc counters interface port-typeslot/port interface port-type slot/port pfc statistics Displays counters for the PFC frames received and transmitted (by dot1ppriority class) on an interface port-type slot/port ets{summary | detail}Displays the ETS configuration applied to egress traffic on an interface,including priority groups with priorities and bandwidth allocation.To clear ETS TLV counters, enter the clear ets counters interface port-typeslot/port interface port-type slot/port DCBx detail Displays the DCBx configuration on an stack-unit {0-11 | all} stack ports all pfcdetailsDisplays the PFC configuration applied to ingress traffic on stack-links,including priorities and link stack-unit {0-11 | all} stack ports all etsdetailsDisplays the ETS configuration applied to ingress traffic on stack-links,including priorities and link delay.FTOS(conf)# show dot1p-queue-mappingDot1p Priority: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7Queue : 0 0 0 1 2 3 3 3FTOS# show dcbstack-unit 0 port-set 0DCB Status : EnabledPFC Port Count : 56 (current), 56 (configured)PFC Queue Count : 2 (current), 2 (configured)