Security | 881Configure AAA Authentication login methodsTo configure an authentication method and method list, use these commands in the following sequence inthe CONFIGURATION mode:To view the configuration, use the show config command in the LINE mode or the show running-config in theEXEC Privilege mode.You can create multiple method lists and assign them to different terminal lines.Step Command Syntax Command Mode Purpose1 aaa authentication login{method-list-name | default} method1 [...method4]CONFIGURATION Define an authentication method-list(method-list-name) or specify the default.The default method-list is applied to allterminal lines.Possible methods are:• enable—use the password defined by theenable secret or enable passwordcommand in the CONFIGURATIONmode.• line—use the password defined by thepassword command in the LINE mode.• local—use the username/passworddatabase defined in the localconfiguration.• none—no authentication.• radius—use the RADIUS server(s)configured with the radius-server hostcommand.• tacacs+—use the TACACS+ server(s)configured with the tacacs-server hostcommand2 line {aux 0 | console 0 | vty number[... end-number]}CONFIGURATION Enter the LINE mode.3 login authentication {method-list-name |default}LINE Assign a method-list-name or the default listto the terminal line.FTOS Behavior: If you use a method list on the console port in which RADIUS or TACACS is the lastauthentication method, and the server is not reachable, FTOS allows access even though the username andpassword credentials cannot be verified. Only the console port behaves this way, and does so to ensure that usersare not locked out of the system in the event that network-wide issue prevents access to these servers.Note: Dell Force10 recommends that you use the none method only as a backup. This methoddoes not authenticate users. The none and enable methods do not work with SSH.