660 | Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)w w w . d e l l . c o m | s u p p o r t . d e l l . c o m Table 30-7. LLDP Configuration MIB ObjectsMIB Object Category LLDP Variable LLDP MIB Object DescriptionLLDP Configuration adminStatus lldpPortConfigAdminStatus Whether the local LLDP agent isenabled for transmit, receive, or bothmsgTxHold lldpMessageTxHoldMultiplier Multiplier valuemsgTxInterval lldpMessageTxInterval Transmit Interval valuerxInfoTTL lldpRxInfoTTL Time to Live for received TLVstxInfoTTL lldpTxInfoTTL Time to Live for transmitted TLVsBasic TLV Selection mibBasicTLVsTxEnable lldpPortConfigTLVsTxEnable Indicates which management TLVsare enabled for system portsmibMgmtAddrInstanceTxEnablelldpManAddrPortsTxEnable The management addresses definedfor the system and and the portsthrough which they are enabled fortransmissionLLDP Statistics statsAgeoutsTotal lldpStatsRxPortAgeoutsTotal Total number of times that aneighbors information is deleted onthe local system due to an rxInfoTTLtimer expirationstatsFramesDiscardedTotallldpStatsRxPortFramesDiscardedTotalTotal number of LLDP framesreceived then discardedstatsFramesInErrorsTotal lldpStatsRxPortFramesErrors Total number of LLDP framesreceived on a port with errorsstatsFramesInTotal lldpStatsRxPortFramesTotal Total number of LLDP framesreceived through the portstatsFramesOutTotal lldpStatsTxPortFramesTotal Total number of LLDP framestransmitted through the portstatsTLVsDiscardedTotal lldpStatsRxPortTLVsDiscardedTotalTotal number of TLVs received thendiscardedstatsTLVsUnrecognizedTotallldpStatsRxPortTLVsUnrecognizedTotalTotal number of all TLVs the localagent does not recognizeTable 30-8. LLDP System MIB ObjectsTLV Type TLV Name TLV Variable System LLDP MIB Object1 Chassis ID chassis ID subtype Local lldpLocChassisIdSubtypeRemote lldpRemChassisIdSubtypechassid ID Local lldpLocChassisIdRemote lldpRemChassisId