Running the Dell Diagnostics 4-11Hard-Disk Drives(Non-SCSI)Disk Controller TestForced Error-Correction-Code TestSeek TestRead TestWrite TestTests a drive that uses fixed, internaldisks. Also tests the associated control-ling devices.IDE CD ROM Drives Drive Controller TestSeek TestRead TestAudio Output TestEject Removable MediaTests an IDE drive that uses removableCD media. Also tests the associatedcontrolling devices.Serial/Infrared Ports Serial/Infrared Baud Rate TestSerial/Infrared Interrupt TestSerial/Infrared Internal Trans-mission TestSerial External Transmission TestTests the components through whichperipherals that use the serial or infra-red port, such as communicationsdevices, send and receive data.Requires an external loopbackconnector.Parallel Ports Parallel Internal TestParallel External Loopback TestParallel External Interrupt TestParallel Printer Pattern TestTests the components through whichperipherals that use the parallel port,such as printers, send and receive data.SCSI Devices Internal Diagnostic TestSeek TestRead TestWrite TestAudio Output TestEject Removable Media TestDisplay Information TestTests the SCSI controller in the C/PortAdvanced Port Replicator (APR) orC/Dock Expansion Station, and all SCSIdevices attached to either. This test runsonly if the computer is docked.Network Interface Registers TestLoopback TestShared RAM TestDisplay Information TestTests the read and write access capabil-ity of the network controller registers inthe Dell Latitude C/Port APR or C/DockExpansion Station. This test runs only ifthe computer is docked.Table 4-2. Dell Diagnostics Tests (continued)Test Groups Subtests DescriptionNOTE: For the full name of an abbreviation or acronym used in this table, see the Glossary in the online System User’s Guide.