IPv4 Routing | 163Example Figure 12-2. debug ip icmp Command Example (Partial)UsageInformationUse the count option to stop packets from flooding the user terminal when debugging is turned on.ip route Assign a static route to the switch.Syntax ip route destination mask {ip-address | interface [ip-address]} [distance] [permanent] [tagtag-value]To delete a specific static route, use the no ip route destination mask {address | interface[ip-address]} command.To delete all routes matching a certain route, use the no ip route destination mask command.ParametersDefaults Not configured.Command Modes CONFIGURATIONCommandHistoryICMP: echo request rcvd from src src, dst, echo replyICMP: src, dst, echo replyICMP: echo request sent to dst echo request rcvd from src src, dst, echo replyICMP: src, dst, echo replyICMP: echo request sent to dst Enter the IP address in dotted decimal format of the destination device.mask Enter the mask in slash prefix formation (/x) of the destination device’s IP address.ip-address Enter the IP address in dotted decimal format of the forwarding router.interface Enter the following keywords and slot/port or number information:• For a 10-Gigabit Ethernet interface, enter the keyword TenGigabitEthernetfollowed by the slot/port information.• For a VLAN, enter the keyword vlan followed by a number from 1 to 4094.distance (OPTIONAL) Enter a number as the distance metric assigned to the route.Range: 1 to 255permanent (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword permanent to specify the route is not removed, evenif the interface assigned to that route goes down. The route must be up initially to installit in the routing table.If you disable the interface with an IP address associated with the keywordpermanent, the route disappears from the routing table.tag tag-value (OPTIONAL) Enter the keyword tag followed by a number to assign to the route.Range: 1 to 4294967295Version Supported on M I/O Aggregator