3–Adapter Management ApplicationsConfiguring iSCSI over DCBX116 CU0354602-00 LThe procedure is detailed in the following sections: Configuring the iSCSI VLAN on the QLogic Adapter Configuring the Switch for iSCSI over DCBX Interoperation of Bandwidth Settings for DCBX and Switch IndependentPartitioning Choosing DCBX or Switch Independent PartitioningConfiguring the iSCSI VLAN on the QLogic AdapterFollow these steps to configure a VLAN to run iSCSI traffic on the adapter:1. Open a command prompt.2. Issue the following commands to configure a VLAN on port 0 with VLAN ID 99:- qaucli –pr iscsi –n 0 VLAN on- qaucli –pr iscsi –n 0 VLANID 993. Issue the following command to confirm the VLAN settings for port 0:NOTE iSCSI over DCBX applies only to the iSCSI Host Bus Adapter. It does notapply to iBFT/SW or an iSCSI function type on a NIC port configuredwith Switch Independent Partitioning. When bandwidth settings exist for both Switch Independent Partitioningand DCBX, DCBX takes precedence over Switch IndependentPartitioning. DCBX sets the bandwidth for iSCSI and NIC traffic, andthen Switch Independent Partitioning sets the bandwidth for the NICpartitions by dividing the NIC bandwidth allocated by DCBX. For moreinformation, see “Interoperation of Bandwidth Settings for DCBX andSwitch Independent Partitioning” on page 121. For information related to the CEE switch, refer to the manufacturer'sdocumentation. This section provides an example in which the port number is 0 and theVLAN ID is 99. Replace these values with whatever is appropriate for yoursituation.NOTEBefore you perform the following procedure: The QConvergeConsole utility (qaucli) must be installed. The iSCSI IP settings must be configured.