3–Adapter Management ApplicationsGeneral Management with QConvergeConsole71 CU0354602-00 LIn the following examples, the HBA port instance is 0, and the Send TargetIP is$qaucli -pr iscsi -ps 0Or:$qaucli -iscsi -ps 0Target ID: 2 hba_no: 0 IP: Port: 3260 TGTInstance #: 2ISCSI Name:Alias:State: Session Failed6. Link the CHAP entry to the target by issuing the -linkchap command. Thepositional parameters are <hba_port_inst>, <chap_no> and<target_id>. The adapter is not reset after this command is issued.Command line options:-linkchap <hba_port_inst> <chap_no> <target_id> [<value>]In the following examples, the HBA port instance is 0, the CHAP number is1, and the Target ID is 2.$qaucli -pr iscsi -linkchap 0 1 2Or:$qaucli -iscsi -linkchap 0 1 2Linking to a CHAP TargetYou can link CHAP to a target with active bidirectional (BIDI) CHAPauthentication. TGTBCA is an optional parameter to turn BIDI CHAP authenticationon or off for this target connection.To link a CHAP target:1. Link CHAP to a target with BIDI enabled by issuing the -linkchapcommand.Command line options:iscli –linkchap <hba_port_inst> <chap_no> <target_id>[ ]In the following example, the HBA port instance is 2, the CHAP number is 9,and the Target ID is 10.$qaucli -pr iscsi -linkchap 2 9 10 TGTBCA on2. View persistent targets by issuing the -ps command. You should see onlythe Send Target.