20ENGLISHOperating component stored in the preset memory321333 Operate the component.• For details, refer to the component’s operatinginstructions.Some models cannot be operated with thisremote control unit.1. Digital video disc player (DVD) system buttonsPOWER : Power on/standby(ON/SOURCE)OFF : DENON DVD Poweroff6, 7 : Manual search(forward and reverse)2 : Stop1 : Play8, 9 : Auto search(to beginning of track)3 : Pause0 ~ 9, +10 : 10 keyDISC SKIP : Disc skip+ (for DVD changer only)DISPLAY : Switch displayMENU : MenuRETURN : ReturnSETUP : Setup•, ª, 0, 1 : Cursor up, down, leftand rightENTER : Enter setting1 Set mode switch 1 to “AUDIO” or “VIDEO”.2 Set mode switch 2 to the component you wantto operate.Set the AUDIO side for the CD, tape deck orCDR/MD position, to the VIDEO side for theDVD/VDP, DBS/CABLE, VCR or TV position.2. Video disc player (VDP) system buttonsPOWER : Power on/standby(ON/SOURCE)6, 7 : Manual search(forward and reverse)2 : Stop1 : Play8, 9 : Auto search (cue)3 : Pause0~9, +10 : 10 keyNOTE:• Some manufacturers use different names forthe DVD remote control buttons, so also refer tothe instructions on remote control for thatcomponent.NOTES:• For this CD, CDR, MD and TAPE components, buttons can be operated in the same way as for Denon audiocomponents (page 19).• The TV can be operated when the switch is at DVD/VDP, VCR, TV position.5. Monitor TV (TV) system buttons3. Video deck (VCR) system buttonsPOWER : Power on/standby(ON/SOURCE)6, 7 : Manual search(forward and reverse)2 : Stop1 : Play3 : PauseChannel : Channels+, –4. Digital broadcast satellite (DBS) tuner andcable (CABLE) system buttonsPOWER : Power on/standby(ON/SOURCE)MENU : MenuRETURN : Return•, ª, 0, 1 : Cursor up, down, leftand rightENTER : EnterCHANNEL : Switch channels+, –0~9, +10 : ChannelsDISPLAY : Switch displayVOL +, – : Volume up/downPOWER : Power on/standby(ON/SOURCE)MENU : MenuRETURN : Return•, ª, 0, 1 : Cursor up, down, leftand rightENTER : EnterCHANNEL : Switch channels+, –0~9, +10 : ChannelsDISPLAY : Switch displayTV/VCR : Switch between TVand video playerTV VOL : Volume up/down+, –