19ENGLISHDEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONSE L ECT :D I G I TA L I NTERF ACE SETUPE X I T SE TUPHDMI/ DV I BLACK L EVEL2CHMULTI(NORMAL)MULTI(LPCM)HDM I AUDIO SETUPDENON LINKIEEE1394HDMI SPEAKER SE TUPSPEAKER CONF I GURAT I ONCHANNE L L EVE LDE L AY T I MEDIGITAL INTERFACE SETUPDEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONSE L ECT :3w When “HDMI AUDIO SETUP” is selected:2CH (channel) (Factory default)The audio signals are output from the HDMI terminal witha down-mixed to 2 channel.MULTI(NORMAL)The multi-channel audio signals are output from the HDMIterminal with a bit-stream.MULTI(LPCM)The multi-channel audio signals are output from the HDMIterminal with a linear PCM.B When “MULTI (LPCM)” is selected, use the • and ªcursor buttons to select the item to be set, then pressthe ENTER button.SPEAKER CONFIGURATIONUse this to select the types of the different speakers.CHANNEL LEVELUse this to adjust the output level of the differentspeakers.DELAY TIMEUse this to set the distance from the differentspeakers to the listening position.✽ To exit the SPEAKER SETUP modeUse the ª cursor button to select “DIGITALINTERFACE SETUP” then press ENTER button.B When “SPEAKER CONFIGURATION” is selected, usethe • and ª cursor buttons to select the speaker to beset then press the ENTER button.• The type of speaker used for the front speakers,center speaker, subwoofer and surround speakerscan be set. Use the • and ª cursor buttons toselect the speaker type, then press the ENTERbutton.LARGESelect this when a large speaker is connected.SMALLSelect this when a small speaker is connected.NONESelect this when no speaker is connected.YESSelect this when a subwoofer is connected.NOSelect this when no subwoofer is connected.• When “CROSSOVER” is selected:40 Hz, 60 Hz, 80 Hz (Factory default), 100 Hz, 120Hz, set the frequency of cross over.✽ Press the RETURN button to return to the “HDMISPEAKER SETUP” menu.B When “CHANNEL LEVEL” is selected, use the • andª cursor buttons to select the speaker to be adjusted,then use the 0 and 1 cursor buttons to set the level.TEST TONE• Use the 0 and 1 cursor buttons to select auto ormanual.Adjust so that the volume of the test tones outputfrom the different speakers sounds the same.• The volume level output from the front speakers(left and right channels), center speaker, surroundspeakers (left and right channels) and subwoofer canbe adjusted.• The volume level can be adjusted between 0 and -10dB in steps of 1 dB.✽ Press the RETURN button to return to the “HDMISPEAKER SETUP” menu.HDMI SPEAKER SE TUPSPEAKER CONF I GURAT I ONF RONT SPCENT ER SPSUBWOOF ERSURROUND SPCROSSOVE RL ARGEL ARGEYESL ARGE80HzDEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONSE L ECT :Remote control unit Remote control unitHDMI SPEAKER SE TUPCHANNEL LEVELDEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONSE L ECT :TEST TONEF RONT L CHCENT ERF RONT RCHSURROUND RCHSURROUND L CHSUBWOOF EROF F0 dB0 dB0 dB0 dB0 dB0 dBHDMI SPEAKER SE TUPDELAY TIMEDEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONSE L ECT :D I STANCEF RONT L CHCENT ERF RONT RCHSURROUND RCHSURROUND L CHSUBW OOF ERDE F AUL T ONMETERS3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.0 m3.0 mHDMI SPEAKER SE TUPDELAY TIMEDEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONSE L ECT :D I STANCEF RONT L CHCENT ERF RONT RCHSURROUND RCHSURROUND L CHSUBW OOF ERDE F AUL TMETERS3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.6 mON3.0 m3.0 m3B When “DELAY TIME” is selected:With 5.1-channel surround sound, ideally the distancebetween the listening position and all the speakersaside from the subwoofer should be the same. Thedelay time setting can be used to make the soundfrom the different speakers reach the listening positionat the same time.Use the • and ª cursor buttons to select the settingitem, then press the ENTER button.• When “DISTANCE” is selected:METERS (when the 0 cursor button is pressed):The unit of distance is set to meters (“m”).FEET (when the 1 cursor button is pressed):The unit of distance is set to feet (“ft”).• When “FRONT LCH”, “FRONT RCH”, “CENTER”,“SURROUND LCH”, ”SURROUND RCH”,“SUBWOOFER” is selected:Use the 0 and 1 cursor buttons to set the distancefrom the listening position to the different speakers.✽ The distance can be set within the range of 0 to18 meters (60 feet).✽ The maximum difference in speaker distance forwhich adjustment is possible is 4.5 meters (15feet).• When “DEFAULT” is selected:When “DEFAULT” is selected and the ENTER buttonis pressed, all the items are restored to their factorydefault settings.✽ When digital connections are made with an AV amplifier,make the speaker settings on the AV amplifier.For DVD audio discs, the disc’s settings are givenpriority, so the sound may not be produced as set withthe above speaker mode setting.✽ Press the RETURN button to return to the “HDMISPEAKER SETUP” menu.When the HDMI connection cable is disconnected,the “SPEAKER CONFIGURATION”, “CHANNELLEVEL”, and “DELAY TIME” settings under “HDMISPEAKER SETUP” are set back to the factorydefaults.Remote control unit Remote control unitRemote control unitHDMI SPEAKER SE TUPDELAY TIMEDEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONSE L ECT :D I STANCEF RONT L CHCENT ERF RONT RCHSURROUND RCHSURROUND L CHSUBW OOF ERDE F AUL T ONMETERS3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.0 m3.0 mHDMI SPEAKER SE TUPDELAY TIMEDEC I S I ON : ENTER BUT TONSE L ECT :D I STANCEF RONT L CHCENT ERF RONT RCHSURROUND RCHSURROUND L CHSUBW OOF ERDE F AUL T ONMETERS3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.6 m3.0 m3.0 mThe display depends on theconnected device. (Indicateswhether or not speakers areconnected)