100 Eaton 93PM UPS (400V/480V Four-Wire – 100 kW Frame) Installation and Operation Manual 164000566—Rev 0477..22..33 UUssiinngg tthhee LLCCDD TToouucchh SSccrreeeennThe LCD touch screen on the control panel provides an operator interface with the UPS system. Figure 48identifies the display areas discussed in the following sections.All functions and commands are accessed by touching or tapping the screen tabs or buttons. When text inputis required, either a Qwerty keyboard or numeric keypad will be displayed.Figure 48. Parts of the LCDA — Status Bar displays the UPS name, UPS state, current date and time, meter information, active alarmsand notices, and a sign in/sign out button. For more information about alarms and notices, see paragraph7.2.2 System EventsB — Main Menu Navigation Bar displays main menu functions and selections as tab buttons. To select ascreen function touch the tab name.C — Secondary Menu Navigation Bar displays functions and selections related to the current screen as tabbuttons. To select a screen function touch the tab name.D — Information Area contains status data, operational controls, acknowledgments, action confirmations, andscreen prompts.You can use the LCD touch screen to:• Look at a log of UPS events (alarms, notices, and commands) (see paragraph7.2.6 Display Menu Operation)• Monitor UPS operation (see paragraph 7.2.6 Display Menu Operation)• Set UPS parameters (see paragraph 7.2.6 Display Menu Operation)• Control UPS operation (see paragraphs 7.2.6 Display Menu Operation and 7.2.8 System Controls)UPS Operating Instructions