112 Eaton 93PM UPS (400V/480V Four-Wire – 100 kW Frame) Installation and Operation Manual 164000566—Rev 04Figure 65. Typical EAA Control Screen77..33 SSiinnggllee UUPPSS OOppeerraattiioonnNOTE 1 If an Integrated Battery Cabinet (IBC) is installed, refer to the Eaton 93PM IntegratedBattery Cabinet Installation Manual-Large and Large High Rate or the Eaton 93PMUniversal Integrated Battery Cabinet Installation Manual-Large and Large High Rate,listed in Chapter 1 Introduction, For More Information section, for IBC batterybreaker location.NOTE 2 If a Sidecar Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Bypass (SIAC-B) is installed, refer to the Eaton93PM Sidecar Integrated Accessory Cabinet-Bypass Installation and Operation (50 kWand 100 kW SIAC-B) Manual, listed in Chapter 1 Introduction, For More Informationsection, for operating instructions.NOTE 3 This unit is a four-wire device. The loss of a single input phase or the loss of neutral withunbalanced four-wire loads will be considered a complete loss of input power anddischarge the battery to provide power to the load. This unit does not utilize an activelyswitched neutral. Installations are advised that the loss of neutral may affect four-wireloads. Please contact Eaton if your supply neutral is switched. (e.g. by a 4-pole ATSswitch)77..33..11 SSttaarrttiinngg tthhee UUPPSS iinn DDoouubbllee CCoonnvveerrssiioonn MMooddeeTo start the UPS system:1. Close the UPS input feeder circuit breaker.2. If dual feed, close the UPS bypass feeder circuit breaker.3. If IBCs are installed, close the battery breakers.4. Observe the UPS control panel display becoming active, indicating logic power.5. Verify no alarms are active.6. Tap the CONTROLS tab on the main menu navigation bar. The System Control screen is displayed.7. Tap the GO ONLINE button.UPS Operating Instructions