84 Eaton 93PM UPS (400V/480V Four-Wire – 100 kW Frame) Installation and Operation Manual 164000566—Rev 04Table 30. Normally-Closed REPO Connections and Wire TerminationsFrom REPOStationSwitch Con-tact Block(EitherBlock)UPSREPOTermi-nal Name DescriptionRecommend-ed MinimumWire SizeSize ofWireTerminationTighteningTorque3 NO 1 EPO_A_B Input: Normally-closed dry contact usedto activate UPS EPO from a remoteswitchTwisted PairWires #18AWG#16-#30 AWG2 lb in(0.22-0.25 Nm)4 NO 2 GND-ISOFigure 37. Normally-Closed REPO Switch Wiring312412REPOSwitch(NC)TwistedWiresREPO TB44..99 IInniittiiaall SSttaarrttuuppStartup may be performed by the customer’s battery qualified electrical contractor for single (not parallel) UPSinstallations without any accessory cabinets such as an External Battery Cabinet.Startup and operational checks for parallel systems or installations with accessory cabinets must be performedby an authorized Eaton Customer Service Engineer, or the warranty terms specified in Chapter 11 Warrantybecome void. This service is offered as part of the sales contract for the UPS. Contact an Eaton servicerepresentative in advance (usually a two-week notice is required) to reserve a preferred startup date.44..1100 CCoommpplleettiinngg tthhee IInnssttaallllaattiioonn CChheecckklliissttThe final step in installing the UPS system is completing the following Installation Checklist. This checklistensures that you have completely installed all hardware, cables, and other equipment. Complete all items listedon the checklist to ensure a smooth installation. Make a copy of the Installation Checklist before filling it out,and retain the original.After the installation is complete, an Eaton Customer Service Engineer must verify the operation of the UPSsystem and commission it to support the critical load. The service representative cannot perform anyUPS System Installation