Eaton 93PM UPS (400V/480V Four-Wire – 100 kW Frame) Installation and Operation Manual 164000566—Rev 04 311..11..22 CCoonnttrrooll PPaanneellThe control panel, located on the front of the UPS, contains a color liquid crystal touch screen display (LCD) anda horizontal row of LED indicators to control the operation of the UPS and to display the status of the UPSsystem. See for additional information.11..11..33 CCuussttoommeerr IInntteerrffaaccee• Building Alarm Monitoring – Up to five inputs in the UPS are available to connect the facility's alarmsystem contacts. Some system configurations may limit the number of inputs available. The UPS usesthese inputs to monitor the building alarms in addition to the UPS status.• Alarm Contact – One alarm contact is provided for connection to equipment at the facility, such as a light,an audible alarm, or a computer terminal. The equipment connected to this contact alerts you to a UPSalarm.• Minislot Communication Bays – Four communication bays are standard equipment. One to four optionalMinislot® connectivity cards can be installed in the UPS at any time. Minislot cards are quickly installed atthe front of the UPS and are hot-pluggable.For additional information on these topics, see Chapter 8 Communication.11..11..44 EEnneerrggyy SSaavveerr SSyysstteemm MMooddeeThe 93PM Series UPS offers an Energy Saver System (ESS) mode that maximizes efficiency by eliminatingunnecessary power conversion when the commercial power source is within acceptable voltage and frequencylimits. In this mode, the UPS is actively monitoring the critical bus and instantly and seamlessly transitions todouble-conversion mode (inverter online) if a commercial electrical power brownout, blackout, overvoltage,undervoltage, or out-of-tolerance frequency condition occurs. See for additional information.11..11..55 IInntteerrnnaall RReedduunnddaannccyyTo deliver greater reliability, the Eaton 93PM UPS can be configured for internal redundancy. When configured,the UPS automatically becomes redundant if the load is at or below the capacity of the UPMs minus thecapacity of one UPM. Under normal conditions the UPMs in the UPS share the load equally. If one or moreUPMs becomes unavailable and the load is at or below the capacity of remaining UPMs, the remaining UPMssupply the load instead of transferring to bypass.11..11..66 UULL 992244 AAuuxxiilliiaarryy LLiigghhttiinngg aanndd PPoowweerr EEqquuiippmmeenntt CCeerrttiiffiiccaattiioonn93PM models are complementary listed for “UL 924 Auxiliary Lighting and Power Equipment”, which allowsalternative battery runtimes to be used.WARNINGEmergency Power Off (EPO) and Remote Emergency Power Off (REPO) functionality is disabled for UPSsystems configured for UL 924 auxiliary lighting. To remove power from the system, a LOAD OFF command(see paragraph or ) must be given using the front panel controls and all breakers opened.11..11..77 AAddvvaanncceedd BBaatttteerryy MMaannaaggeemmeennttAdvanced Battery Management (ABM) technology uses sophisticated sensing circuitry and a three-stagecharger. The charger is a high-frequency, IGBT-based power conversion stage that extends the useful servicelife of UPS batteries by isolating the battery from the electrical environment, except for periodic charging orreserve mode operation. ABM also protects batteries from damage due to high current charging and inverterripple currents. Charging at high currents can overheat and damage batteries.ABM extends battery life by keeping the batteries charged and performing periodic battery testing. The batterytest checks the batteries by transferring to battery mode. During the test the battery voltage is constantlymonitored to determine Battery Health. ABM is intended for VRLA style batteries.Introduction