Eaton 93PM UPS (400V/480V Four-Wire – 100 kW Frame) Installation and Operation Manual 164000566—Rev 04 127CChhaapptteerr 88 CCoommmmuunniiccaattiioonnThis chapter describes the communication features of the Eaton 93PM UPS.88..11 MMiinniisslloott CCaarrddssThe Eaton 93PM UPS has four standard, factory-installed Minislot communication bays. The UPS is compatiblewith the following Minislot cards (see Figure 67):NOTE Only one Power Xpert Gateway Minislot UPS Card can be used at one time.• The Power Xpert Gateway Minislot (PXGMS) UPS Card provides Web-enabled, real-time monitoring ofEaton 93PM uninterruptible power systems (UPSs) through standard Web pages, Power Xpert software,Intelligent Power Manager (IPM), Intelligent Power Protector (IPP), or third-party software. As an integralpart of the Eaton Power Xpert Architecture®, the PXGMS UPS Card provides a central point to connectUPSs to the Ethernet network.Network managers can view critical downstream device information, such as status, power, energy, andpower quality data with an easy-to-use interface.• Industrial Relay Card-Minislot (IRC-MS) – can be used to indicate the operating status of the UPS systemusing the customer's monitoring equipment. The Industrial Relay Card uses five isolated normally-open ornormally-closed dry relay contacts to indicate the UPS status. Normal, Bypass, Battery, and Alarm modescan be monitored. See Table 36 for default triggers. The contact ratings and wire range are listed in theIRC-MS installation guide. One input can be activated by a switch or dry contact. The voltage source isprovided by the card, no external voltage source is needed.For installation and setup of a Minislot card, contact an Eaton service representative. Refer to the manualsupplied with the Minislot card for user instructions.Figure 67. Optional Minislot CardsIdentPowerAct100PXGMS UPSRestart TX RXSetupCMNStatusDHCP EMPEthernet 10/100 + -Table 36. IRC-MS Default TriggersRelay TriggerK1 UPS supporting the loadK2 UPS on BatteryK3 Summary alarmK4 UPS on bypassK5 UPS battery low88..22 BBuuiillddiinngg AAllaarrmm MMoonniittoorriinnggThis standard feature lets you connect the UPS to your building alarms, such as smoke detectors orovertemperature alarms. The building alarm customer interface terminals for external are located inside theUPS. Use twisted-pair wires for each alarm input and common.