7. Wait for the UPS control panel to become active and indicate logic power.8. In the home screen, press Controls.The System controls screen is displayed.9. In the System controls screen, check that the UPS status is shown asSHUTDOWN.10. Check that there are no active alarms.11. In the System controls screen, press Module controls.The Select module screen is displayed.12. Select the UPM you want to start.The UPM control screen is displayed. The UPM status is shown asSHUTDOWN.13. In the UPM control screen, select Start module.14. Wait for the following messages to appear sequentially on the UPM statusline:READYACTIVEThe UPM rectifier and inverter turn on and the UPM transfers to the doubleconversion mode and supplies the critical load.7.5.2 Shutting down the UPMsA single UPM in the system can be shut down only if it is redundant. In practice,this means that a UPM is not allowed to be shut down if doing so would lead toan overload condition in the remaining UPMs or UPSs in the system.To shut down a single UPM:1. In the home screen, press Controls.The System controls screen is displayed.2. In the System controls screen, press Module controls.The Select module screen is displayed.3. Select the UPM you want to shut down.4. In the UPM control screen, select Shut down module.7.6 Using the Remote Emergency Power-off switchA UPS emergency power-off is initiated by the EPO pushbutton switch. In caseof an emergency, you can use this switch to control the UPS output. The EPOswitch de-energizes the critical load and powers down the UPS immediatelywithout asking for verification. The UPS, including the static bypass switch,remains off until it is restarted.Eaton 93PM UPS 30–200 kVA User's and installation guide© Eaton Corporation plc 2017. All rights reserved. Revision: 005 Document ID: P-164000249 102 (126)