In order to install an F-UPM, the UPS cabinet needs to have upgradeability,which is determined by the power rating of the static bypass. For example, if thestatic bypass is rated for 150 kW, the fourth UPM cannot be installed into theframe.For a listing of the upgradeable configurations, see Table2 .CAUTIONOnly qualified service personnel are allowed to install a F-UPM.Note: Examine the cable and fuse rating before power upgrading.3.6 Battery systemThe battery system provides short-term emergency backup power to safeguardoperation during brownouts, blackouts, and other power interruptions. Bydefault, this UPS is configured to use VRLA batteries. If other type of batteriesor other energy storage means need to be connected, consult a certified servicetechnician prior to proceeding with the installation.93PM 30–50 kW and 60 kVA unitsThe Eaton 93PM 30–50 kW, 60 kVA UPS can be equipped with internalbatteries to provide full load runtime of 10–20 minutes depending on the UPSrating. In addition, external battery cabinets can be introduced to the system toallow extended autonomy. Internal and external batteries can be used inparallel.93PM 80–200 kW unitsThe Eaton 93PM 80–200 kW UPS can be equipped with an external batterysystem. Eaton offers external battery cabinets to be used together with Eaton93PM UPS.For detailed battery specifications, see Section9. UPS Battery SwitchgearThe purpose of the UPS Battery Switchgear is to ease the installation of externalbattery cabinets or battery racks. The UPS Battery Switchgear offering containsmodels with one main battery breaker and casing, as well as models thatsupport connecting several battery cabinets or racks in parallel. In the multi-breaker solutions, the main breaker is rated to match the UPS's power and thededicated battery string breakers can be sized either with or withoutredundancy.Eaton 93PM UPS 30–200 kVA User's and installation guide© Eaton Corporation plc 2017. All rights reserved. Revision: 005 Document ID: P-164000249 31 (126)