1 Control panel8 Rectifier input switch (optional)2 Door latch9 Battery breaker (optional)3 Communications area10 MBS (optional)4 UPM 111 Area for internal batteries5 UPM 212 Communication cable conduit6 UPM 313 Static bypass section7 UPM 414 Power cable connections3.2 UPS operating modesThe UPS operating modes are as follows:Operating mode DescriptionNormal operating modes:- Double conversion mode Critical load is supplied by the inverter,which derives its power from rectified utilityAC power. In this mode, the battery charg-er also provides charging current for thebattery, if needed.- Variable Module Management System(VMMS) modeCritical load is supplied by the inverter. Theinverter derives its power from rectified util-ity AC power, identically to double conver-sion mode. In the VMMS mode, the 93PMUPS system is able to optimise the loadlevel per power module: the operating effi-ciency is significantly improved when oper-ating load is below 50% of UPS capacity.The UPS system will automatically placethe redundant power modules to suspen-ded mode. In case of any anomalies in utili-ty or a sudden load increase, the suspen-ded power modules are able to transfer toonline mode with less than 2 ms transitiontime.- Energy Saver System (ESS) mode Critical load is supported securely by utilitypower through the static bypass switch withdouble conversion available on-demandwith typically less than a 2 ms transitiontime, should any abnormal condition be de-tected in the utility. When operating in theESS mode, the load is protected with inher-ent surge suppression. Operating the UPSin the ESS mode increases system effi-ciency up to 99%, allowing significant sav-ings in energy losses without compromis-ing system reliabilityEaton 93PM UPS 30–200 kVA User's and installation guide© Eaton Corporation plc 2017. All rights reserved. Revision: 005 Document ID: P-164000249 18 (126)