CAUTION: REFER TO OPERATOR'S MANUALRefer to your operator's manual for additional information, such asimportant operating and maintenance instructions.This symbol indicates that you may not discard the UPS or the UPSbatteries in the trash. This product involves sealed, lead-acid batter-ies and they must be disposed of properly. For more information,contact your local recycling / reuse or hazardous waste center.This symbol indicates that you may not discard waste electrical orelectronic equipment (WEEE) in the trash. For proper disposal, con-tact your local recycling / reuse or hazardous waste center.2.6 For more informationAddress any inquiries about the UPS and the battery cabinet to the local officeor an agent authorized by the manufacturer. Quote the type code and the serialnumber of the equipment.Call your local service representative if you need help with any of the following:• scheduling initial startup• regional locations and telephone numbers• a question about any of the information in this manual• a question that this manual does not answerNote: For more information about the installation space, safe operation andworking, see IEC 62485-2: Safety requirements for secondary batteries andbattery installations.Eaton 93PM UPS 30–200 kVA User's and installation guide© Eaton Corporation plc 2017. All rights reserved. Revision: 005 Document ID: P-164000249 14 (126)