1. Make sure that the ancillary equipment system is turned off and all thepower sources are removed. Refer to the appropriate operation manual ofany ancillary equipment for shutdown instructions.2. Install wiring from the IRC to the monitoring equipment using appropriateconduits through the cable exit opening in the IRC.3. Connect wiring between the IRC terminal blocks and the monitoringequipment using terminations. Connect one wire to COM (Common) andanother to either NC or NO to select the Normally Open or Normally Closedoption.4. Install the INDRELAY-MS into an open MiniSlot communication bay in theUPS cabinet.Figure 27. Industrial Relay Card INDRELAY-MS5.6.5 MiniSlot interface connectionsFor MiniSlot accessories and communication devices selection, see Chapter6.For installation and setup of a MiniSlot card, please contact your Eatonrepresentative.To install wiring to the connections:1. If not already installed, install the LAN drops.2. Open the front door of the UPS.3. To remove the MiniSlot cover plate, remove the 2 screws securing theplate.4. To install the MiniSlot communication device, push it all the way in.5. Secure the MiniSlot communication device with 2 screws.6. Route and install the LAN and other cables to the appropriate MiniSlotcards. The cable route is through the signal cable canal in the top sectionof the UPS.7. For operator instructions, refer to the manual supplied with the MiniSlotcard.Eaton 93PM UPS 30–200 kVA User's and installation guide© Eaton Corporation plc 2017. All rights reserved. Revision: 005 Document ID: P-164000249 72 (126)