MGR10 A/B/C - Revision : I (for 7.0 software revision) 70Settling Algorithm GroupSENSe:SETTling:STATe or <1|0>Enables or disables the Settling facility.SENSe:SETTling:STATe?Returns “0” (OFF) or “1” (ON).SENSe:SETTling:COUNt <No. of readings>Sets the maximum number of readings to be taken (2 - 999).SENSe:SETTling:COUNt?Returns the maximum number of readings selected.SENSe:SETTling:LIMit <No. of digits>Sets the maximum number of display digits by which two consecutive readings may differ, for themeasurement to be defined as ‘settled’.SENSe:SETTling:LIMit?Returns the maximum number of display digits selected.Selecting the Settling facility will:Deselect the Filter facility.Change Average (AVE) Current mode to Positive (+I) Current mode.Cause an error message if in Fast mode.Selecting Filter on, Average Current or Fast mode will automatically deselect the Settling facility.Trigger & Measure GroupThese commands trigger measurements, and allow the results to be output to the bus.INITiateThis initiates single measurements. The Measurement Available bit (8) of the Operation ConditionRegister is set on completion. The reading is stored internally and is not sent to the output buffer.Use FETCh? to transfer the value to the output buffer and clear the Measurement Available bit.This command is not available when the CONTinuous triggering mode is on, nor whenDATAlogging mode is on, in which cases, an “execution error” will occur.*TRGThis is identical to the INITiate commandFETCh[:FRESistance|TEMPerature|TCOMpensate]?Returns the value of the last measurement made. This is normally used in conjunction with theINITiate command. If CONTinuous triggering is “off”, then INITiate followed by FETCh? will be