5 Implementation of EtherNet/IP5.3 VSC-Vendor Specific Classes112 XI/ON: XNE-GWBR-2ETH-IP 09/2011 MN05002007Z-EN www.eaton.com134(86h)Direction input B G/S BOOL States if the direction input B will beinverted.Direction input B:– FALSE: normal– TRUE: inverted135(87h)Group diagnostics G/S BOOL Defines if the group diagnostic will be trans-mitted to the gateway or not.Group diagnostic:– FALSE: release– TRUE: block136(88h)On I/O connec-tion faultG/S ENUMUSINTDefines the behavior of the module in thecased of an I/O Connection Fault of thegateway.Behavior by I/O Connection Fault (para-meter name of the counter: CPU/masterSTOP):– 0: turn off DO1– 1: proceed with operating mode– 2: DO1 switch to Fault Value– 3: DO1 hold last value– 4 to 255:reservedTable 55:Object instanceAttr.no.dec.(hex.)Attribute name Get/SetType Description