6 Application example: XNE gateway with an Allen Bradley PLC6.3 Changing the IP address of a PC/ network interface cardXI/ON: XNE-GWBR-2ETH-IP 09/2011 MN05002007Z-EN www.eaton.com 1556.3.3 Changing the IP address via I/O-ASSISTANTThe Address Tool integrated in the software I/O-ASSISTANT offers the possibility to browsethe whole Ethernet network for connected nodes and to change their IP address as well asthe subnet mask according to the application.The network is browsed by using the search function in the Address Tool.Figure 38:Address Tooltin theI/O-ASSISTANTFigure 39:Search functionin the AddressToolAttentionIf Windows XP is used as operating system, problems with the system internal fire-wall may occur.It may eventually inhibit the access of the I/O-ASSISTANT to the Ethernet. Pleaseadapt your firewall settings accordingly or deactivate it completely (see also Chapter6.3.4 Deactivating/ adapting the firewall in Windows XP, Page 157).