5 Implementation of EtherNet/IP5.3 VSC-Vendor Specific ClassesXI/ON: XNE-GWBR-2ETH-IP 09/2011 MN05002007Z-EN www.eaton.com 83Object instance 2, standard output process data (compressed)Table 43:Object instance2, standardoutput processdata(compressed)Attr.no.dec.(hex.)Attribute name Get/SetType Description100(64h)Max object attri-buteG USINT Contains the number of the last object attri-bute to be implemented.101(65h)Attribute list G ARRAY OFUSINTList of all attributes that are supported bythis Instance.102(66h)Standard packedprocess outputdataG/S ARRAY OFWORDOutput process data, 16-bit aligned,compressed.103(67h)Process data bytecountG USINT The number of bytes that are exchangedwith this Instance.