5 Implementation of EtherNet/IP5.3 VSC-Vendor Specific ClassesXI/ON: XNE-GWBR-2ETH-IP 09/2011 MN05002007Z-EN www.eaton.com 121110(6Eh)Module regis-tered indexG ENUMUSINTContains the index numbers specified in allthe module lists.111(6Fh)Number ofsupported chan-nelsG USINT States the number of analog input channelssupported by this module Instance.112(70h)RX byte count G USINT Number of the valid bytes (0 to 7) in thisdata segment.113(71h)RX count G USINT This value is transferred together with everydata segment of the process input data.The RX count values are sequential:00->01->10->11->00…(decimal: 0->1->2->3->0…)Errors in this sequence show the loss ofdata segments.114(72h)TX countacknowledgeG USINT This value is a copy of the value TX count.TX count has been transmitted togetherwith the last data segment of the processoutput data.TX count acknowledge is an acknowledgefor the successful transmission of the datasegment with TRANSMIT count.115(73h)Status G BOOL 0 = The communication with the dataterminal equipment (DTE) is disturbed. Adiagnostic message is generated if theparameter "Diagnostics" is set to "0/release". The diagnostic data show thecause of the communication disturbance.The user has to set back this bit in theprocess output data by using STATRES.1 = The communication with the dataterminal equipment (DTE) is error free,Table 57:Object instanceAttr.no.dec.(hex.)Attribute name Get/SetType Description