5 Implementation of EtherNet/IP5.2 Classes and instances of the EtherNet/IP-gatewayXI/ON: XNE-GWBR-2ETH-IP 09/2011 MN05002007Z-EN www.eaton.com 69Instance attributesCommon servicesTable 28:Instance attri-butesAttr.no.Attribute name Get/SetType Description1 (0×01) STATUS G DWORD Interface status (see page 70)2 (0×02) CONFIGURA-TION CAPA-BILITYG DWORD Interface Capability Flag (see page 70)3 (0×03) CONFIGURA-TION CONTROLG/S DWORD Interface Control Flag (see page 70)4 (0×04) PHYSICAL LINKOBJECTG STRUCTPath size UINT Number of 16bit words: 0×02Path PaddedEPATH0×20, 0×F6, 0×24, 0×015 (0×05) INTERFACECONFIGURA-TIONG Structureof:TCP/IP Network Interface Configuration(see page 70)IP ADDRESS G UDINT Current IP addressNETWORKMASKG UDINT Current network maskGATEWAYADDRESSG UDINT Current default gatewayNAME SERVER G UDINT 0 = no name server address configuredNAME SERVER 2 UDINT 0 = no secondary name server addressconfigured5 (0×05) DOMAIN NAME G UDINT 0 = no Domain Name configured6 (0×06) HOST NAME G STRING 0 = no Host Name configured(see page 71)Table 29:CommonservicesServicecodeClass Instance Service name01 (0x01) yes yes Get_Attribute_All02 (0x02) no no Set_Attribute_All14 (0x0E) yes yes Get_Attribute_Single16 (0×10) no yes Set_Attribute_Single