5 Implementation of EtherNet/IP5.2 Classes and instances of the EtherNet/IP-gateway60 XI/ON: XNE-GWBR-2ETH-IP 09/2011 MN05002007Z-EN www.eaton.com05 Path destinationunknownThe path is referencing an object class, instance or structureelement that is not known or is not contained in theprocessing node. Path processing shall stop when a pathdestination unknown error is encountered.06 Partial transfer Only part of the expected data was transferred.07 Connection lost The messaging connection was lost.08 Service notsupportedThe requested service was not implemented or was notdefined for this Object Class/Instance.09 Invalid attribute value Invalid attribute data detected.0A Attribute list error An attribute in the Get_Attribute_List or Set_Attribute_Listresponse has a non-zero status.0B Already in requestedmode/stateThe object is already in the mode/state being requested bythe service.0C Object state conflict The object cannot perform the requested service in itscurrent mode/state.0D Object already exists The requested instance of object to be created alreadyexists.0E Attribute not settable A request to modify a non-modifiable attribute was received.0F Privilege violation A permission/privilege check failed.10 Device state conflict The device’s current mode/state prohibits the execution ofthe requested service.11 Reply data too large The data to be transmitted in the response buffer is largerthan the allocated response buffer.12 Fragmentation of aprimitive valueThe service specified an operation that will fragment aprimitive data value, i.e. half a REAL data type.13 Not enough data The service did not supply enough data to perform the spec-ified operation.14 Attribute notsupportedThe attribute specified in the request is not supported.15 Too much data The service supplied more data than expected.16 Object does not exist The object specified does not exist in the device.17 Servicefragmentationsequence not inprogressThe fragmentation sequence for this service is not currentlyactive for this data.Table 18:General statuscodes accordingto CIP spec.Statuscode(hex)Status name Description