2 XI/ON philosophy2.2 XI/ON componentsXI/ON: XNE-GWBR-2ETH-IP 09/2011 MN05002007Z-EN www.eaton.com 172.2.2 Power supply modulesThe power supply for gateways and I/O modules is provided by the power supply modules;therefore, it is not necessary to supply each individual module with a separate voltage.2.2.3 Electronics modulesThe electronics modules contain the I/O-functions of the XI/ON modules (power supplymodules, digital and analog input/output modules, and technology modules).XN standard electronics modulesThe XN standard electronics are plugged onto the base modules and are not directlyconnected to the wiring and can be plugged or pulled when the station is being commissionedor for maintenance purposes, without having to disconnect the field wiring from the basemodules.Figure 3:Power supplymodule withbase moduleFigure 4:XN standardelectronicsmodule in slicedesign (left) andin block design(reght)