2 XI/ON philosophy2.1 The basic concept14 XI/ON: XNE-GWBR-2ETH-IP 09/2011 MN05002007Z-EN www.eaton.com2.1.3 Easy to handleXI/ON modules of the standard line (XN standard modules• All XI/ON modules of the standard line, with the exception of the gateway, consist of abase module and an electronics module.• The gateway and the base modules are snapped onto a mounting rail. The electronicsmodules are plugged onto the appropriate base modules.• The base modules of the standard line are designed as terminal blocks. The wiring issecured by tension clamp or screw connection.• The electronics modules can be plugged or pulled when the station is being commissionedor for maintenance purposes, without having to disconnect the field wiring from the basemodules.XI/ON modules of the ECO line (XNE ECO modules)• The XNE ECO electronics modules combine base module and electronics module in onehousing.• The gateway and the electronics modules are snapped onto a mounting rail.• The electronics modules of the ECO line are designed as terminal blocks. The wiring issecured by "push-in" spring-type terminal.NoteAll XNE ECO modules can be used with XN standard products with tension clampconnection technology. Possible combinations, see Chapter 7.1.1 Combination pos-sibilities in a XI/ON station, Page 173.