5 Implementation of EtherNet/IP5.3 VSC-Vendor Specific ClassesXI/ON: XNE-GWBR-2ETH-IP 09/2011 MN05002007Z-EN www.eaton.com 1135.3.15 RS232 module class (VSC114)This Class contains all information and parameters for RS232 modules.Class instanceObject instanceNotePlease refer to Chapter 5.3.1 Class instance of the VSC, Page 76, for the descriptionof the class instances for VSC.Table 56:Object instanceAttr.no.dec.(hex.)Attribute name Get/SetType Description100(64h)Max object attri-buteG USINT Contains the number of the last object attri-bute to be implemented.101(65h)Module present G BOOL 0 = module missing, base module withoutelectronic module.1 = module is plugged102(66h)Terminal slotnumberG USINT The slot number of the base modulebelonging to the module (base module tothe right of the gateway = No. 1).Corresponds to the respective InstanceNumber within the TERMINAL SLOTCLASS.103(67h)Module ID G DWORD Contains the module ID.104(68h)Module ordernumberG UDINT Contains the ident number of the module.105(69h)Module ordernameG SHORTSTRINGContains the name of the module, forexample,"XN-1RS232".106(6Ah)Module revisionnumberG USINT Contains the revision number of the modulefirmware.107(6Bh)Module type ID G ENUMUSINTDescribes the module type: see attribute107 (6Bh) on page 86108(6Ch)Modulecommand inter-faceG/S ARRAY The control interface of the XI/ON module.ARRAY OF:BYTE: Control byte sequence109(6DhModule responseinterfaceG ARRAY Response interface of the XI/ON module.ARRAY OF:BYTE: Response-byte sequence