26 Analog input module XN-322-10AI-TEKT26.3 Memory layoutXN300 slice modules 02/24 MN050002EN Eaton.com 1980x30AD – – 2 IntRefInput2Temperature reading KTY2(i)The 0x30AD object contains ten times the temperature measured by theinternal KTY2(i) temperature sensor at the cold junction. When internaltemperature compensation is selected, the software will automatically takeinto account the value in object 0x30AC.–0x4001 – 0x9xx0SUB 08max.10 CAN: SerialNumberEC: Serialnumber–0x4004 – 0x8xx1SUB 011 UserLEDControl –0x400C – – Max. 25 ProductName –0x4080 – – 2 FirmwareVersion –0x50A0 – 0x8xx6SUB 011 SensorTypeSelectChannel1_2 AI1 Bit 0-3 → Table 15,page 1990x0106AI2 Bit 4-70x50A1 – – 1 SensorTypeSelectChannel3_4 AI3 Bit 0-3 → Table 15,page 1990x0107AI4 Bit 4-70x50A2 – – 1 SensorTypeSelectChannel5_6 AI5 Bit 0-3 → Table 15,page 1990x0108AI6 Bit 4-70x50A3 – – 1 SensorTypeSelectChannel7_8 AI7 Bit 0-3 → Table 15,page 1990x0109AI8 Bit 4-70x50A4 – – 1 ReferenceInputSelectUsed to assign a external cold-junction compensationchannel(One of the two KTY sensors isassigned to analog input AInfor cold-junction compensa-tion purposes concerning thetemperature readings)AI1 Bit 0 0 = KTY 11 = KTY 20x010AAI2 Bit 1 0 = KTY 11 = KTY 2AI3 Bit 2 0 = KTY 11 = KTY 2AI4 Bit 3 0 = KTY 11 = KTY 2AI5 Bit 4 0 = KTY 11 = KTY 2AI6 Bit 5 0 = KTY 11 = KTY 2AI7 Bit 6 0 = KTY 11 = KTY 2AI8 Bit 7 0 = KTY 11 = KTY 2CANObjectIndexDefaultCANMappingEtherCATObjectIndexSize(byte)Local I/OdescriptionSwitchingcontactBit Description Local I/Oaddresses